99% of Metrics Dashboards suck

You know what sucks? 99% of Metrics Dashboards out there. πŸ“ˆπŸ“ŠπŸ“‰

I’m sure if you go to your company Looker, Tableau, Metabase, Mode, and open any dashboards/reports, it will look like the πŸ’© Dashboard in the picture below.

If you are not the person who built or asked for this dashboard, you probably have 0 clues on how to interpret it. πŸ€”

A simple trick I learned is to name the charts based β€œWHY” you want that graph, AKA the question it is trying to answer. Don’t use the β€œWHAT” information the chart is displaying (That’s the job of the legend).

πŸ’‘ Examples:

πŸ’© Activities against Monthly Leads by Score
🀩 which leads are being worked on?

πŸ’© Activities per accounts
🀩 Which accounts are we working on (or not)?

πŸ’© Current month Closed Ops Value
🀩 How well is this month Sale’s performance going?

πŸ’© Closed Ops vs. Payments per accounts
🀩 How much and which customers owe us money?

⭐ Bonus, if you have time, write 2 sentences describing why this graph matters to the business. With this simple tweak, anyone can understand these dashboards.

⏭️ Go to your BI/Reporting tool of choice, and look at the most used dashboard. Rename the graph’ titles to use the question approach. Trust me, your team will love it!


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